Sacred Power Tools

Your Instant Access Links To The Free Sacred Power Symbol & Power Codes Are Below.

I have also added additional Bonuses Below, how does it get better than that?

Debi Rose

Sacred Power Symbol
We accumulate discordant energies on a daily basis, and sometimes during extremely difficult times, we can accumulate them moment by moment. The major discordant energies include anger, guilt or fear. To transmute and release these discordant energies, simply place your hand on this Sacred Power Symbol.It is very beneficial to do this on a daily basis.We accumulate discordant energies on a daily basis, and sometimes during extremely difficult times, we can accumulate them moment by moment. The major discordant energies include anger, guilt or fear. To transmute and release these discordant energies, simply place your hand on this Sacred Power Symbol. It is very beneficial to do this on a daily basis.OPTIONAL-pdf_icon-2Sacred Power Symbol


Sacred Spiritual Power Codes
I have been telling my students for a long time now that blessing your food with the numbers 9-9-5 is thousands of times more beneficial than the average prayer.The Sacred Spiritual Power Codes are a list of numbers that when applied can be used to greatly affect situations in life.OPTIONAL-pdf_icon-2Sacred Spiritual Power Codes

Healing Circle Chart
This is Sacred Healing Chart to Use with a pendulum and the Sacred Healing Symbol.OPTIONAL-pdf_icon-2Healing Circle Chart


PDF Downloads:

The following are instructions on how to perform a number of remarkably powerful and effective therapy processes.

Instructions for Downloading:

Below you will find download links for audio, video & pdf files. These instructions will work for all of them.

Click on the first link with your RIGHT mouse button and you will see a menu rightclick
like the one to the right open up.

In Internet Explorer Choose “Save Target As…” and download the file to your
desktop (in Firefox you choose “Save Link As..”).

Once you select the “save target as” or “save link as” entry, a download screen will appear asking you where you want to save the file to on your computer.

The download screen will appear like this…


You should save the files to your “Desktop” (in a new folder) or another folder you can easily find.

Once you have downloaded all of the files, go to new folder on your desktop, or any other folder that you saved the files in and double click to open each file.

Also, if you save this page to your favorites, then when you want to return to download additional item, you won’t have to opt-in with your name & email address again.


HO’OPONOPONO     Joe Vitale and Hew Len
Ho’Oponopono Technique by Dr. Hew Len. Using this simple method you will reduce or eliminate many issues and challenges in your life to bring about significant change in a short amount of time.OPTIONAL-pdf_icon-2HO’OPONOPONO


Abraham 68 Seconds Manifesting Technique
This is the description of the simple and effective 68 seconds manifesting technique that I often refer to as “Running Energy.”OPTIONAL-pdf_icon-2Abraham 68 Seconds

Empowering Tools & Techniques
These are my favorite Access Consciousness Empowering Tools & Techniques,
I learned from Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer, Founders of Access Consciousness.OPTIONAL-pdf_icon-2Empowering Tools

EMF Emotional Freedom Technique by Gary Craig.
Tap on your body to reduce or eliminate emotional problems.OPTIONAL-pdf_icon-2Emotional Freedom Technique

Eye Patching Info
Sometimes called “Pirate Therapy” uses a simple eye patch for bringing about significant change in a short amount of time. This technique is very effective for resolving obsessive thought patterns and quieting the mind.OPTIONAL-pdf_icon-2Eye Patching

Pulling Oil Healing Technique
This is an amazing quick & easy healing technique.OPTIONAL-pdf_icon-2Pulling Oil


Enjoy your bonus gifts!

Love, Gratitude & Joy,

Debi Rose

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