Divine Light Alchemy

Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave

Ongoing Healing


Quantum Scalar Waves Healing System


Imagine… What Would “Everyday Bliss” Feel Like For You?



Divine Light Alchemy Scalar Energy

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could feel heart centered, emotionally & energetically

balanced and stress free, every moment of the day?


2019 Divine Quantum Upgrade

The “Divine Light Alchemy” Quantum Vortex Scalar Energy

Manifesting Pyramid Energy Healing & Balancing

Ongoing Monthly Session


“Quantum Physics + Scalar Matrix + Sacred Geometry + Sacred Glyphs +

Ascended Masters + Interdimensional Beings = Ultimate Divine Light Alchemy Healing!”


Please watch this short video to see the first step in my “Divine Light Alchemy” process when someone signs up for
Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Scalar Wave Matrix
Ongoing Healing & Balancing.




Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Scalar Healing System

Our 2019 Upgrade now includes :
A Personalized, Programmed and Activated Sacred Flower Of Life Symbol which will be placed within your Personal Pyramid in my Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Vortex Scalar Healing Chamber.

I will create your Etheric Holographic Template using my Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Healing Flower of Life Manifesting Symbol and your list of Intentions & goals for the month of ongoing Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Vortex Scalar Ongoing Pyramid healing & energy balancing, .
Then your Personalized Sacred Symbol, which will be Programmed & Activated, will then be placed into your own personal “Divine Light Alchemy” Pyramid.


I Invoke & channel Divine Spiritual beings, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Melchizedek Beings, Arcturians & the Intergalactic beings to assist and guide me, to what else would be beneficial to place within your personal pyramid to assist with you receiving the highest expression of your healing intentions.

This whole process is just the beginning of creating your Personalized New Holographic Grid Patterns, Placeholders & Esoteric Quantum Multidimensional Sacred Symbol & it’s own unique resonance field. By channeling Divine guidance and choosing from my library of sacred symbols, healing glyphs, frequencies, and so much more, a very powerful symbol is created.
Once activated, programmed and Divinely aligned to your copy of the Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Manifesting Symbol, a portal/channel is created. This will then run 24/7 like a software program addressing, balancing & aligning you to your specific new holographic resonance of what you would like to manifest.

Using the Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Healing Symbol Manifesting Grid & Portal.

Your copy of this Symbol will be your direct Divine Connection and your portal/channel to my “Divine Light Alchemy” Quantum Vortex Scalar chamber & your personal activated pyramid to receive the Quantum Vortex Scalar healing energy that is being transmitted to you.

I recommend that you take a few moments every day, by taking several deep breaths, center, enter your heart center, (Your Still Point). Then place your awareness or your hand on the Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Healing Symbol and then as you breath, feel your whole being connecting and receiving the flow of healing energy.

The Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Healing Symbol Gratitude Matrix & Process

This is an additional process I included that is very beneficial for everyone to do at least once a day.
Play with this in the Magical Field of Accelerated Gratitude.


Divine Alchemy Quantum Scalar Wave Matrix

Individual Ongoing Monthly Plan Item#DLA-SCALAR-MONTH $97.00


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